Anllela Sagra

Anllela Saga is an Colombian fitness model and bodybuilder trainer as well as social media influencer. She is blessed with natural beauty and strict work ethics she has emerged as one of the top figures in her industry in the recent years. Her initial aim was to become an established fashion designer and model. Actually, she holds an education in fashion at the University of Colombia. But she chose to be an exercise model after she met an avid fitness fanatic in the training facility. Colombians do not find it appealing to view women with muscular bodies. Sagra chose to train weights regardless of the fact that her body was thin. It wasn't long before she was competing in fitness contests across the globe and gaining fans. She has over 10,000,000 followers on Instagram in addition to over one hundred thousand on Facebook. Twitter and YouTube are the two major social media platforms where she is spending very little time. On YouTube, she is 22.500 followers. Her app is available through Google Play and Apple App Store. Anllela was a Colombian born woman, born on the 6th of October 1993. Laura Sagra, who has around 408 thousand Instagram Followers, and is a fitness model who is successful, is her role model for her sister. Sagra's modelling dreams began when she was just a little girl. In the years following the graduation of high school, she chose to go further and pursue a degree in fashion design at the University of Colombia. Modeling was only possible on the weekend. The model was very thin, as Colombians were not able to find muscular bodies on women appealing. While she was doing her routine in fitness center, she met a trainer that would ultimately change her perspective and life. Anllela Sagra began to exercise earnestly spending more and longer hours in the gymnasium. She started to develop massive muscle, and consequently the work she did as a model became sporadic. Family members, friends as well as other acquaintances started to notice the changes within her. They advised her to quit because they were worried that she would end up damaging her body. But she was seriously obsessed with her fitness goals and was determined to reach the goals. In a competition a few years later, but a little it was the third position. It genuinely surprised her as she did not expect to do that well being rather new to bodybuilding. Additionally, judges and highly respected individuals in the field have praised her. The model was confronted with a dilemma during this time when she had to choose between being a conventional Colombian model or the first Colombian Fitness Model. She worried about the inevitable critique she'd receive being a fitness model and was unsure if it was worth it. She made the decision that it was worth the risk to be the fitness model of her dreams. In the past, she has stated she was astonished by the decision she's taken in her entire life. With the advent of digital technology, her decision to chronicle her transformation from modeling to fitness-based modelling, and then beyond proved to be a smart choice. Her popularity grew exponentially and she soon became one of the most popular Instagram celebrities in her field. She made full use of the various social media platforms. She also has a Snapchat profile, a Snapchat Page, and a Twitter Account. The first video she uploaded onto YouTube's channel was posted on February 24, 2016, which was the 24th of February. The channel is still a success despite her having only posted content on YouTube.

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